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System Builtins
System Builtin Name | MI Instruction name | Prototype Name | Description | Usage Examples
_ACTBPGM | ACTBPGM | actbpgm | Activate bound program. | t061.rpgle. Test of _ACTBPGM and _MATACTEX. In this example _ACTBPGM is used activate a service program.
_ACTPG | ACTPG | actpg | Activate non-bound program. | t054.rpgle. Activate an OPM program and modify the static storage frame (SSF) of it before invoking the OPM program.
_DEACTPG1 | DEACTPG | deactpg | Deactivate non-bound program. | t054.rpgle. Activate an OPM program and modify the static storage frame (SSF) of it before invoking the OPM program. In this example, _DEACTPG1 is used to deactivate an activated OPM program.
_FNDRINVN1 | FNDRINVN | fndrinvn1 | Find Relative Invocation Number. | t104.rpgle. Test of FNDRINVN.
_FNDRINVN2 | FNDRINVN | fndrinvn2 | Find Relative Invocation Number. _FNDRINVN2 accept search-range operand as its second operand. | t104.rpgle. Test of FNDRINVN.
_INVP | INVP | invp | Return invocation pointer. | t052.rpgle. Test of _INVP.
_MATINV | MATINV | matinv | Materialize Invocation | t103.rpgle. Test of _MATINV.
_MATINVS1 | MATINVS | matinvs1 | Materialize invocation stack of the initial thread of another MI process. | t102.rpgle
_MATINVS2 | MATINVS | matinvs2 | Materialize invocation stack of the current thread. | t101.rpgle
_MODASA | MODASA | modasa | Modify space attributes |
_MATACTAT | MATACTAT | matactat | Materialize activation attributes. | t055.rpgle. List all program activation entries in an activation groups.
_MATAGPAT | MATAGPAT | matagpat | Materialize activation group attributes. | t055.rpgle. List all program activation entries in an activation groups.
_MATACTEX | MATACTEX | matactex | Materialize activation export. | t061.rpgle. Test of _ACTBPGM and _MATACTEX in which the pointer to a procedure exported by a service program is located at run time. A procedure call can be made via the returned procedure pointer.
_MATINVAT1 | MATINVAT | matinvat | Materialize invocation attributes |
_MATINVAT2 | MATINVAT | matinvat2 | Materialize invocation attributes | t123.rpgle. Test of _MATINVAT2. Materialize one's caller's suspend pointer.
_NPMPARMLISTADDR | NPM_PARMLIST_ADDR | npm_plist | Retrieve NPM procedure parameter list address. |
_CALLPGMV | CALLPGMV | callpgmv | Call program with variable length argument list. | t011.rpgle. Test of _CALLPGMV.
_RINZSTAT, _RINZSTAT2 | RINZSTAT | rinzstat, rinzstat2 | Reinitialize static storage. |