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An ODV entry is required for each object described in the ODT. The index value for a particular object ODV entry is used as an operand for instructions that operate on the object. An ODT can contain 8,191 entries in template version 0 and 65,526 entries in template version 1. The first entry has an index value of 1.
这里需要注意的是 ODT 序号由 1 开始
Each ODV entry generally consists of the following:


The OES consists of a series of variable-length entries that complete an object's description. Several ODV entries for different objects with identical definitions can share the same OES entry. Each OES entry consists of the following:

Scalar Data Object

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Generated on Mon Aug 22 08:26:47 2011 for i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit: OPM MI Disassembler by  doxygen 1.5.9