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System Builtins
System Builtin Name | MI Instruction name | Prototype Name | Description | Usage Examples
_CDD | CDD | cdd | Compute date duration. | t158.rpgle. Test of _CDD.
_CTD | CTD | ctd | Compute time duration. |
_CTSD | CTSD | ctsd | Compute timestamp duration. |
_CVTD | CVTD | cvtd | Convert Date | t159.rpgle
_CVTT | CVTT | cvtt | Convert Time | -
_CVTTS | CVTTS | cvtts | Convert Timestamp | t161.rpgle. This example converts the current UTC time-of-day (TOD) clock to an SAA timestamp.
_DECD | DECD | decd | Decrement Date | t162.rpgle. Test of _DECD and _INCD.
_DECT | DECT | dect | Decrement Time | -
_DECTS | DECTS | dects | Decrement Timestamp | t163.rpgle. In this program, a timestamp is decremented/incremented by a timestamp duration. t164.rpgle. In this program, a timestamp is decremented/incremented by a timestamp duration.
_INCD | INCD | incd | Increment Date | t162.rpgle. Test of _INCD and _INCD.
_INCT | INCT | inct | Increment Time | -
_INCTS | INCTS | incts | Increment Timestamp | t163.rpgle. Decrementing/incrementing a timestamp by a timestamp duration. t164.rpgle. In this program, a timestamp is decremented/incremented by a timestamp duration.
_MATTODAT | MATTODAT | mattodat | Materialize time of day clock attributes. | t066.rpgle. Test of _MATTODAT.