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Pointer-Based Mutex Management

System-builtin Headers

System Builtins
System Builtin Name MI Instruction name Prototype Name Description Usage Examples

_CRTMTX CRTMTX crtmtx Create pointer-based mutex. t053.rpgle. Test of pointer-based mutex management instructions.

_DESMTX DESMTX desmtx Destroy pointer-based mutex. t053.rpgle. Test of pointer-based mutex management instructions.

_LOCKMTX LOCKMTX lockmtx Lock pointer-based mutex. t053.rpgle. Test of pointer-based mutex management instructions.

_MATMTX MATMTX matmtx Materialize mutex. t067.rpgle. Test of _MATMTX.

_UNLKMTX UNLKMTX unlkmtx Unlock pointer-based mutex. t053.rpgle. Test of pointer-based mutex management instructions.

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Generated on Mon Oct 3 04:10:44 2011 for i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit: System-builtin Headers for ILE RPG by  doxygen 1.5.9