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System Builtins
System Builtin Name | MI Instruction name | Prototype Name | Description | Usage Examples
_PCOPTR | PCOPTR | pcoptr | Return PCO pointer. | t019.rpgle. Get the SEPT and the system pointer to the QTEMP.
_PCOPTR2 | PCOPTR2 | pcoptr2 | Return PCO pointer. | t054.rpgle. Test of ept54.rpgleinc.
_MATPRAGP | MATPRAGP | matpragp | Materialize process activation groups. | t024.rpgle. List all activation groups in the current MI process.
_RETTHCNT | RETTHCNT | retthcnt | Retrieve thread count. | t078.rpgle. Test of _RETTHCNT, _TSTINLTH, and _TESTINTR.
_RETTHID | RETTHID | retthid | Retrieve thread identifier | .t038rpgle. Test of pthread thread-specific storage (TLS) APIs.
_TSTINLTH | TSTINLTH | tstinlth | Test initial thread | t078.rpgle. Test of _RETTHCNT, _TSTINLTH, and _TESTINTR.
_TESTINTR | TESTINTR | testintr | Test pending interrupts | t078.rpgle. Test of _RETTHCNT, _TSTINLTH, and _TESTINTR.
_WAITTIME | WAITTIME | waittime | Wait on Time |
_MATPRATR1 | MATPRATR | matpratr1 | Materialize Process Attributes |
_MATPRATR2 | MATPRATR | matpratr1 | Materialize Process Attributes | t080.rpgle. Retrieve run priority of a specified MI process.