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OPM MI Programming Tech-tips

When seeing this page, you may have a couple of questions, "Why programming at the MI level?", and "Why programming OPM MI?".

See what we collected here :)

Exception Management

This section is about exception management. For detailed description of MI instruction mentioned in this section, please refer to IBM's documentation, Exception Mangement Instructions .

Disable an exception handler

MODEXCPD excpd-name, x'2000', x'01';

Enable an exception handler

MODEXCPD excpd-name, x'A000', x'01';

Retrieve exception data

The Retrieve Exception Data (RETEXCPD) MI instruction can be used to retrieve exception data in an exception handler. Note that the retrieve-option operand (operand 2) should be set to hex 01, 02, and 03 for a branch point exception handler, an internal entry point exception handler, and an external entry point exception handler, respectively.

Imagine the program object II67B called by MI program e009.emi , the exception data of the system object damaged exception (hex 1004) can be retrieved like the following.

/* a damaged program object */
dcl sysptr ii67b auto init (
        "II67B", type(pgm)
)                               ;

        callx ii67b, *, *       ;
brk "CALLPGM"                   ;
        rtx *                   ;

/* exception description */
dcl excm oops excid(h'1000') bp(damage-encountered) imd cv('MCH') ;

/* branch point (BP) exception handler for exception hex 10## */

dcl dd len bin(4) auto          ;

        modasa @excp-data-ptr, 8 ;
        cpynv @excp-data?bytes-in, 8    ;
        retexcpd @excp-data-ptr, x'00'  ;
        cpynv len, @excp-data?bytes-out ;

        modasa @excp-data-ptr, -8 ;
        modasa @excp-data-ptr, len ;
        cpynv @excp-data?bytes-in, len ;
        retexcpd @excp-data-ptr, x'00' ;

dcl spcptr excp-data-ptr auto          ;
dcl spc * bas(excp-data-ptr)           ;
        dcl sysptr obj-syp dir         ;
        dcl dd int-dump-id char(8) dir ;
        dcl dd error-class bin(2) dir  ;
        dcl dd dev-num     bin(2) dir  ;

        cmpbla(b) @excp-data?excid, x"1004" / neq(release-asf) ;

        setsppfp excp-data-ptr, @excp-data-ptr ;
        addspp excp-data-ptr, excp-data-ptr, h'30' ;

dcl dd msg char(40) auto        ;
        cpybla msg(1:26), "MCH1604, internal dump ID:" ;
        cpybla msg(28:8), int-dump-id                  ;
        %sendmsg(msg, 40)                              ;

        neg(s) len                ;
        modasa @excp-data-ptr, len ;
        b see-you               ;

/* Exception data template for RETEXCPD and SIGEXCP */
dcl spcptr @excp-data-ptr auto   ;
dcl spc @excp-data-t bas(@excp-data-ptr) ;
        dcl dd @excp-data?bytes-in       bin(4) dir ;
        dcl dd @excp-data?bytes-out      bin(4) dir ;
        dcl dd @excp-data?excid          char(2) dir ;
        dcl dd @excp-data?cv-len         bin(2) dir  ;
        dcl dd @excp-data?cv             char(32) dir ;
        dcl dd @excp-data?msg-ref-key    char(4) dir  ;
        /* offset = h'30' */
        /* exception specific data */

pend                            ;

Resignal an exception

A robust program should always be aware of exceptions. Also, it should report exceptions that it cannot handle as soon as possible. This is a design consideration for transparency.

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Generated on Mon Aug 1 22:50:22 2011 for i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit: MIC - The Machine Instruction Language Compiler by  doxygen 1.5.9