![]() |
Abbreviations used in this article
On i5/OS, queue objects that can be operate through CL commands and APIs are:
External Object Type | MI Object Type/Subtype | |
Data Queue | *DTAQ | hex 0A01 |
User Queue | *USRQ | hex 0A02 |
Additionally, each i5/OS job uses a queue object named QMIRQ(Machine Interface Response Queue) to receive the I/O completion notification of each I/O request sent by the job. The MI object type of a QMIRQ is hex 0AEF.
Main attributes of a queue object
Each queue message consists two parts, a message prefix and message text. For a keyed queue object, the key data resides in the message prefix. Both the message prefix and the message text are of fixed length. When enqueuing a message into a queue object, the length of the message text could be shorter than the Message text length, but the actual storage allocated on the queue object is the same to the Message text length attribute. For this reason, it is a bad idea to create a queue object for transferring different data formats which are different greatly in data length. That way will be a great waste in storage, and at the same time make damages to the efficiency of enqueue/dequeue operations.
When a message is to be enqueued, the job requesting the enqueue must supply a message prefix and message text. The supplied message text may contains pointers; if it does, they are preserved by queueing. If the queue object is full, then one of the following actions occurs:
When using the QSNDDTAQ API to a enqueue data queue object, if the data queue object is full, QSNDDTAQ will raise exception CPF950A.
When dequeuing a queue object, what happens to any pointers in the text depends on the Whether message data taken off the queue can contain pointers attribute. If pointers are allowed in message text, instructions to manipulate tagged pointers are used. Otherwise, the tags are not preserved and the pointers can no longer be used. If keys are used, pointers can be used as key values, but again the tags within the key are not preserved when the message is dequeued.
When the queue is empty, or, if the messages are keyed and the requested key is not found, the job the dequeue can either wait or can exit. If the job waits, it can wait indefinitely or for a specified time period. When the time period expires, a dequeue time-out (hex 3A01, MCH5801) exception is signaled. When dequeue a data queue object with a specified time-out value, the Receive Data Queue (QRCVDTAQ) API will eat the dequeue time-out exception when a dequeue operation is timed-out. So it's the programmer's responsibility to distinguish whether a queue message is dequeued or the dequeue operatoin is timed-out when the QRCVDTAQ API returns by checking QRCVDTAQ's parameter 3 length of dequeued data. Parameter length of dequeued data of value 0, means that the dequeue operation is timed-out.
To dequeue a data queue object with no wait, the QRCVDTAQ's parameter 5 Wait time should be set to 0. To dequeue a user queue object with no wait, the branch or indicator form of the DEQ instruction should be specified.
You can save or restore a queue object; however, you can save or restore its definition only. You cannot save or restore the messages in it. For the same reason a queue object restored is always empty. You cannot restore a queue object if a queue object with the same name already exists in the library.
To create a USRQ object, we must use the Create User Queue (QUSCRTUQ) API. This API allows a USRQ object to be created either as a system domain object or a user domain object. See 5.1.2. USRQ's Domain Attribute for details. But a system doamin USRQ can only be accessed by queue operation MI instructions under security level 40.
Remember that although a DTAQ object can be journaled, but the journal entries could neither be used to apply changes to a DTAQ object nor remove changes from a DTAQ object. The reason is that queue objects are designed for IPC tasks, users should not be permitted to change the data contents of a queue object by methods other than enqueue and dequeue. For the same reason, although a queue object can be saved or restored, but the data content of the queue object is NOT saved. Thus a newly restored queue object is always empty.
Here we have an example, by which we can examine what will be logged into journal entries during enqueue, dequeue operations on a DTAQ object.
Number | Time enqueued | Message Text |
1 | 2009-05-18- | 'AAAAAAAAAA' |
2 | 2009-05-18- | 'BBBBBBB CCCCCCC' |
CALL PGM(QRCVDTAQ) PARM('Q13' 'LSBIN' X'00020F' '' X'00001D')
11075 Q QS Q13 LSBIN REDLIGHT 11:27:58 11076 Q QS Q13 LSBIN REDLIGHT 11:28:23 11077 Q QR Q13 LSBIN REDLIGHT 12:25:22
Display Journal Entry Object . . . . . . . : Q13 Library . . . . . . : LSBIN Member . . . . . . . : Incomplete data . . : No Minimized entry data : No Sequence . . . . . . : 11075 Code . . . . . . . . : Q - Data queue operation Type . . . . . . . . : QS - Send data queue entry, no key Entry specific data Column *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5 00001 ' K 1. N AA' 00051 'AAAAAAAA' Display Journal Entry Object . . . . . . . : Q13 Library . . . . . . : LSBIN Member . . . . . . . : Incomplete data . . : No Minimized entry data : No Sequence . . . . . . : 11076 Code . . . . . . . . : Q - Data queue operation Type . . . . . . . . : QS - Send data queue entry, no key Entry specific data Column *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5 00001 ' K E! ! N BB' 00051 'BBBBB CCCCCCC '
Display Journal Entry Details Journal . . . . . . : JRN01 Library . . . . . . : LSBIN Sequence . . . . . . : 11075 Code . . . . . . . . : Q - Data queue operation Type . . . . . . . . : QS - Send data queue entry, no key Object . . . . . . . : Q13 Library . . . . . . : LSBIN Member . . . . . . . : Flag . . . . . . . . : 0 Date . . . . . . . . : 09/05/18 Time . . . . . . . . : 11:27:58 Ref Constraint . . . : No Count/RRN . . . . . : 0 Job . . . . . . . . : 254281/LJL/REDLIGHT Commit cycle ID . . : 0 User profile . . . . : LJL Program . . . . . . : QCMD Ignore APY/RMV . . . : No Library . . . . . : *OMITTED Trigger . . . . . . : No ASP device . . . . : *OMITTED
Display Journal Entry Details Journal . . . . . . : JRN01 Library . . . . . . : LSBIN Sequence . . . . . . : 11077 Code . . . . . . . . : Q - Data queue operation Type . . . . . . . . : QR - Rcv data queue entry, no key Object . . . . . . . : Q13 Library . . . . . . : LSBIN Member . . . . . . . : Flag . . . . . . . . : 0 Date . . . . . . . . : 09/05/18 Time . . . . . . . . : 12:25:22 Ref Constraint . . . : No Count/RRN . . . . . : 0 Job . . . . . . . . : 254281/LJL/REDLIGHT Commit cycle ID . . : 0 User profile . . . . : LJL Program . . . . . . : QCMD Ignore APY/RMV . . . : No Library . . . . . : *OMITTED Trigger . . . . . . : No ASP device . . . . : *OMITTED
Operation | Data Queue | User Queue |
Enqueue | API - QSNDDTAQ | MI - ENQ |
Dequeue | API - QRCVDTAQ | MI - DEQ |
Clear | API - QCLRDTAQ | ~ |
Retrieve queue attributes | API - QMHQRDQD | MI - MATQAT |
Retrieved queue messages (without removing messages from the queue) | API - QMHRDQM | MI - MATQMSG |
Here we make a comparison between enqueue operatoins on a DTAQ and a USRQ. The purpose of this comparison is to demonstrate that the difference of operation efficiency between data queues and user queues do exits but not to provide accurate statistics on all queue operations. Before we start, one thing must be mentioned first. That is for an extensible queue object, the extensions will take quite an amount of time. In IPC applications that may cache a huge amount of data on a queue object, the impact to enqueue operations due to queue extensions must be taken into consideration.
In the following statistics, we use queue objects whose initial number of messages are set to a number big enough to avoid queue extensions.
Here we make time statistics of 1000 times of enqueue operation in 3 different conditions. The result time values are in microseconds.
Case | Time used(us,micro-seconds) | Details |
case 1 | 4000 | Appendix 1. Enqueue USRQ Q11 for 1000 times |
case 2 | 15100 | Appendix 2. Enqueue DTAQ Q12(not journaled) for 1000 times |
case 3 | 40599000 | Appendix 3. Enqueue DTAQ Q12(journaled) for 1000 times |
Although the statistics data are only concerned about enqueue operations, we can see that there's large difference in weights of two types of queue objects, DTAQ and USRQ. Additionally, we can see that journaling a DTAQ will make the enqueue operations to the DTAQ much more slower.
To include the sender ID in a DTAQ's messages, one should create the DTAQ with parameter SENDERID set to *YES. e.g.
CRTDTAQ DTAQ(LSBIN/Q14) MAXLEN(64) SENDERID(*YES) TEXT('with sender''s info')
Now let's have a look on the so called sender's ID. Enqueue something on the newly create DTAQ Q14, then use CL command DSPQMSG provided by i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit.
Queue Message System: 810 Queue . . . . . . . : Q14 Attribute . . . . . : Library . . . . . : LSBIN Owner . . . . . . . : LJL Object ASP number . : 1 Object Domain . . . : System Type . . . . . . . . : *DTAQ Key length . . . . . : 0 Key length . . . . . : 100 Number . . . . . . . : 1 -------------------Character data------------------- Column *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5 000001 'REDLIGHT LJL 254281LJL ABCDE *^_^* ' 000051 ' '
CRTDTAQ DTAQ(Q21) MAXLEN(64) SEQ(*FIFO) TEXT('FIFO, entry length=64') CRTDTAQ DTAQ(Q22) MAXLEN(64) SEQ(*LIFO) TEXT('LIFO, entry length=64')
CALL PGM(QSNDDTAQ) PARM('Q22' 'LSBIN' X'00003F' 'abc')
CALL PGM(QSNDDTAQ) PARM('Q22' 'LSBIN' X'00003F' 'def')
/* output of DSPQMSG */
Time Message
Opt Number enqueued Key
1 2009-05-19-
2 2009-05-19-
CRTDTAQ DTAQ(Q23) MAXLEN(64) SEQ(*KEYED) KEYLEN(8) TEXT('keyed, key length = 8')
CALL PGM(QSNDDTAQ) PARM('Q23' 'LSBIN' X'00003F' 'abc' X'008F' '00000005')
CALL PGM(QSNDDTAQ) PARM('Q23' 'LSBIN' X'00003F' 'def' X'008F' '00000002')
CALL PGM(QSNDDTAQ) PARM('Q23' 'LSBIN' X'00003F' 'ghi' X'008F' '00000003')
/* output of DSPQMSG */
Time Message
Opt Number enqueued Key
1 2009-05-19- 00000002
2 2009-05-19- 00000003
3 2009-05-19- 00000005
For the Maximum number of entries element note that:
The Initial number of entries element specifies the amount of storage that will initially be allocated to the data queue in order to hold the Initial number of entries. Note that:
call qsnddtaq parm( 'Q21' /* char(10), DTAQ name */ 'LSBIN' /* char(10), DTAQ library */ X'00003F' /* pkd(5,0), length of message text to enqueue */ 'ABC' /* char(*), message text */ )
call qsnddtaq parm( 'Q23' /* char(10), DTAQ name */ 'LSBIN' /* char(10), DTAQ library */ X'00003F' /* pkd(5,0), length of message text to enqueue */ 'abc' /* char(*), message text */ x'008F' /* pkd(3,0), key length */ '00000001' /* char(*), key value */ )
/* * @file r101.rpgle * enqueue DTAQ Q23(keyed, key length=8, entry length=64) */ /* prototype of API QSNDDTAQ */ d qsnddtaq pr extpgm('QSNDDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 64a options(*varsize) d key_len 3p 0 d key 8a options(*varsize) d qname s 10a inz('Q23') d qlib s 10a inz('LSBIN') d entry_len s 5p 0 inz(64) d entry s 64a d key_len s 3p 0 inz(8) d key s 8a /free entry = 'abc'; key = '00000002'; qsnddtaq(qname : qlib : entry_len : entry : key_len : key ); *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof */
/************************************************/ /* @FILE CL101.CLP */ /* DEQUEUE FIFO DTAQ Q21 */ /************************************************/ PGM DCL VAR(&QNAM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('Q21') DCL VAR(&QLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('LSBIN') DCL VAR(&ENTLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) /* length + of dequeued data */ DCL VAR(&ENTRY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(64) DCL VAR(&TIMEOUT) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) VALUE(-1) + /* dequeue infinittely */ DCL VAR(&MSG) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(32) VALUE('entry + dequeued:') CALL PGM(QRCVDTAQ) PARM(&QNAM &QLIB &ENTLEN + &ENTRY &TIMEOUT) CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 17 16)) VALUE(&ENTRY) SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9898) MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGDTA(&MSG) ENDPGM /* EOF - CL101.CLP */
OPM CL programcl105.clp dequeues FIFO DTAQ Q21, with limited time-out value.
/************************************************/ /* @FILE CL101.CLP */ /* DEQUEUE FIFO DTAQ Q21 WITH TIMEOUT */ /************************************************/ PGM DCL VAR(&QNAM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('Q21') DCL VAR(&QLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('LSBIN') DCL VAR(&ENTLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) /* length + of dequeued data */ DCL VAR(&ENTRY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(64) DCL VAR(&TIMEOUT) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) VALUE(5) + /* time-out value = 5s */ DCL VAR(&MSG) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(32) VALUE('entry + dequeued:') CALL PGM(QRCVDTAQ) PARM(&QNAM &QLIB &ENTLEN + &ENTRY &TIMEOUT) IF COND(&ENTLEN *EQ 0) THEN(DO) CHGVAR VAR(&MSG) VALUE('Dequeue timed-out') GOTO CMDLBL(SENDMSG) ENDDO CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 17 16)) VALUE(&ENTRY) SENDMSG: SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9898) MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGDTA(&MSG) ENDPGM /* EOF - CL101.CLP */
/************************************************/ /* @FILE CL102.CLP */ /* DEQUEUE KEYED DTAQ Q23 */ /************************************************/ PGM DCL VAR(&QNAM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('Q23') DCL VAR(&QLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('LSBIN') DCL VAR(&ENTLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) DCL VAR(&ENTRY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(64) DCL VAR(&TIMEOUT) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) VALUE(-1) + /* dequeue infinittely */ DCL VAR(&KEYORDER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(2) + VALUE('GT') /* dequeue queue entries + whose key value aregreater than variable + &KEY */ DCL VAR(&KEYLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) VALUE(8) DCL VAR(&KEY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(8) VALUE('00000001') DCL VAR(&SNDINFOLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) + VALUE(0) /* no sender info */ DCL VAR(&SNDINFO) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) DCL VAR(&MSG) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(96) + VALUE('key: ; message text: ') CALL PGM(QRCVDTAQ) PARM(&QNAM &QLIB &ENTLEN + &ENTRY &TIMEOUT &KEYORDER &KEYLEN &KEY + &SNDINFOLEN &SNDINFO) CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 6 8)) VALUE(&KEY) CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 30 64)) VALUE(&ENTRY) SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9898) MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGDTA(&MSG) ENDPGM /* EOF - CL102.CLP */
/* * @file r102.rpgle * * DTAQ Q23,类型为基于键值出列,entry长度64,key长度8, * 不含发送作业标识信息。 * * 出列DTAQ Q23中键值大于'00000001'的entry,并保留DTAQ中的entry。 */ /* structure Qus_EC_t */ d qusec_t ds 256 qualified d bytes_in 10i 0 d bytes_out 10i 0 d exid 7a d reserved 1a d ex_data 240a /* prototype of API QRCVDTAQ */ d qrcvdtaq pr extpgm('QRCVDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 64a options(*varsize) d timeout 5p 0 d key_order 2a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 1 */ d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 8a options(*nopass:*varsize) /* input/output parameter */ d sender_info... d _len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d sender_info 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) d remove_msg 10a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 2 */ d receiver_len 5p 0 options(*nopass) d ec likeds(qusec_t) d options(*nopass) d qname s 10a inz('Q23') d qlib s 10a inz('LSBIN') d entry_len s 5p 0 d entry s 64a d timeout s 5p 0 inz(-1) /* dequeue infinitely */ d key_order s 2a inz('GT') /* key order: >= parameter @key */ d key_len s 3p 0 inz(8) d key s 8a inz('00000001') d sender_info... d _len s 3p 0 inz(0) /* no sender info */ d sender_info s 1a d remove_msg s 10a inz('*NO') /* do NOT remove message from DTAQ */ d receiver_len s 5p 0 inz(64) d ec ds likeds(qusec_t) d msg s 16a /free ec.bytes_in = 256; qrcvdtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : entry : timeout : key_order : key_len : key : sender_info_len : sender_info : remove_msg : receiver_len : ec ); msg = %subst(entry : 1 : 16); dsply key '*EXT' msg; *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof - r102.rpgle */
/* * @file r103.rpgle * * retrieve attribtutes of a DTAQ * Keyed DTAQ Q23 with entry length 64, key length 8, * does not include sender's ID */ h dftactgrp(*no) /* receiver structure in format RDQD0100 */ d rdqd0100_t ds 112 qualified d bytes_... d returned 10i 0 /* length of attribute data returned */ d bytes_... d available 10i 0 /* length DTAQ attribute data */ d entry_len 10i 0 /* DTAQ entry length */ d key_len 10i 0 /* DTAQ key length */ d sequence 1a /* DTAQ type: */ d /* - 'F', FIIO */ d /* - 'K', Keyed */ d /* - 'L', LIFO */ d include_... d sender_info 1a /* include sender info or not: Y/N */ d force_to_stg 1a /* force to storage: Y/N */ d text 50a /* text description */ d ddm_dtaq 1a /* is q DDM DTAQ: */ d /* - '0', no */ d /* - '1', yes */ d auto_reclaim 1a /* automatic reclaim storage */ d /* - '0', no */ d /* - '1', yes */ d reserved 1a d num_messages 10i 0 /* messages currently on the DTAQ */ d entries_... d allocated 10i 0 /* entries currently allocated */ d qname 10a d qlib 10a d max_messages 10i 0 /* maximum number of messages */ d init_... d messages 10i 0 /* initial number of messages */ /* prototype of API QMHQRDQD */ d qmhqrdqd pr extpgm('QMHQRDQD') d dtaq_attr likeds(rdqd0100_t) /* receiver data */ d receiver_len 10i 0 /* length of receiver data */ d format_name 8a /* format name */ d /* - RDQD0100, normal DTAQ */ d /* - RDQD0200, DDM DTAQ */ d qname_lib 20a /* DTAQ name/library, e.g. */ d /* 'Q23 LSBIN ' */ d do_report pr d dtaq_attr ds likeds(rdqd0100_t) d len s 10i 0 inz(112) d format s 8a inz('RDQD0100') d qname_lib s 20a inz('Q23 LSBIN') /free qmhqrdqd( dtaq_attr : len : format : qname_lib ); do_report(); *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof - main procedure */ p do_report b /* structure Qus_EC_t */ d qusec_t ds 256 qualified d bytes_in 10i 0 d bytes_out 10i 0 d exid 7a d reserved 1a d ex_data 240a /* prototype of QMHSNDPM */ d qmhsndpm pr extpgm('QMHSNDPM') d msgid 7a d msgf 20a d msgdata 128a options(*varsize) d msgdata_len 10i 0 d msgtype 10a d callstack_... d entry 10a d callstack_... d counter 10i 0 d msgkey 4a d ec likeds(qusec_t) d msgid s 7a inz('CPF9898') d msgf s 20a inz('QCPFMSG QSYS') d msgdata s 128a d msgdata_len s 10i 0 d msgtype s 10a inz('*INFO') d callstack_... d entry s 10a inz('*PGMBDY') d callstack_... d counter s 10i 0 inz(1) d msgkey s 4a d ec ds likeds(qusec_t) d msg s 128a /free ec.bytes_in = 256; // report DTAQ entry length msgdata = 'Entry length: ' + %char(dtaq_attr.entry_len); msgdata_len = %len(%trim(msgdata)); qmhsndpm( msgid : msgf : msgdata : msgdata_len : msgtype : callstack_entry : callstack_counter : msgkey : ec ); // report DTAQ key length msgdata = 'Key length: ' + %char(dtaq_attr.key_len); msgdata_len = %len(%trim(msgdata)); qmhsndpm( msgid : msgf : msgdata : msgdata_len : msgtype : callstack_entry : callstack_counter : msgkey : ec ); // report more DTAQ attributes // ... ... /end-free p do_report e /* eof - r103.rpgle */
For more examples of using QMHQRDQD, please refer to internal entry points display-ddmq-attr(line 361) and display-dtaq-attr(line 396) in DSPQD 's source code qattr.mi.
Parameters of the QUSCRTUQ API
For detailed document of the QUSCRTUQ API, see Create User Queue (QUSCRTUQ) API
The fomula is:
MAX_MSGS = INIT_MSGS + EXT_MSGS * NUM_EXTENDS /* e.g: if INIT_MSGS = 1 EXT_MSGS = 2 NUM_EXTENDS = 1 then MAX_MSGS = 1 + 2 * 1 = 3 */
QALWUSRDMN System Value | Destination Library | Optional Domain Parameter | Domain of Created Object |
*ALL | Any | *DEFAULT | User domain |
*ALL | Any | *SYSTEM | System domain |
*ALL | Any | *USER | User domain |
QTEMP | QTEMP | *DEFAULT | User domain |
QTEMP | QTEMP | *SYSTEM | System domain |
QTEMP | QTEMP | *USER | User domain |
Does not contain library name | Library name | *DEFAULT | System domain |
Does not contain library name | Library name | *SYSTEM | System domain |
Does not contain library name | Library name | *USER | None; error is returned |
Number of queue extensions INPUT; BINARY(4) The maximum number of extensions allowed for the user queue. A value of -1 indicates that the maximum number of extensions will be chosen by the machine. If this parameter is not specified, 0 is assumed, which means the USRQ is not extensible.
CALL PGM(QUSCRTUQ) PARM( 'Q34 LSBIN' /* USRQ name */ 'QQ' /* extended attribute */ 'K' /* queue type */ X'00000008' /* key length */ X'00000040' /* entry length */ X'00000001' /* initial number of messages */ X'00000002' /* number of messages per extension */ '*EXCLUDE' /* public authority */ '`Number of queue extensions`parameter = -1' /* text description */ '*YES' /* replace */ X'0000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' /* error code structure */ '*USER' /* object domain */ '*YES' /* contains poniter */ X'FFFFFFFF' /* number of queue extensions */ '0') /* auto-reclaim storage */ DSPQD Q(Q34) QTYPE(*USRQ) /* Output */ Queue attributes: Message content . . . . . : Contains scalar data only Queue type . . . . . . . . : Keyed Queue overflow action . . : Extend queue Choose maximum number of extends . . . . . . . . : Machine /* Determined by the machine */ Reclaim storage . . . . . : 0 ... ... Maximum number of extends . : 87380 /* The result 'Maximum number of extends' */
CALL PGM(QUSCRTUQ) PARM('Q34 LSBIN' 'QQ' 'K' X'00000008' X'00000040' X'00000001' X'00000002' '*EXCLUDE' 'Do NOT specify `Number of queue extensions` parameter') DSPQD Q(Q34) QTYPE(*USRQ) /* Output */ Queue attributes: Message content . . . . . : Contains scalar data only Queue type . . . . . . . . : Keyed Queue overflow action . . : Extend queue Choose maximum number of extends . . . . . . . . : Machine /* Determined by the machine */ Reclaim storage . . . . . : 0 ... ... Maximum number of extends . : 87380 /* The result 'Maximum number of extends' */
/* Using CL command DLTUSRQ */ DLTUSRQ USRQ(LSBIN/Q31) /* Using API QUSCLTUQ */ CALL PGM(QUSDLTUQ) PARM('Q34 LSBIN' X'0000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000') /* QUSDLTUQ's second parameter, error code */
/* * @file r104.rpgle * * enqueue USRQ Q31 */ h dftactgrp(*no) /* my protoype */ d i_main pr extpgm('R104') d p_key 8a d p_text 64a d q s * d option ds 34 qualified d type 2a inz(x'0A02') /* USRQ's MI object type: hex 0A02 */ d name 30a inz('Q31') /* USRQ name */ d auth 2a inz(x'0000') /* prototype of MI instruction RSLVSP */ d rslvsp pr extproc('_RSLVSP2') d syp * d option * value /* prototype of MI instruction ENQ */ d enq pr extproc('_ENQ') d q * d prefix * value d text * value d prefix ds qualified /* message prefix */ d text_len 10i 0 /* length of message text */ d key 8a inz('00000001') /* key data */ d text s 64a inz('hi, i''m rpg program R104:p') /* message text */ d i_main pi d p_key 8a d p_text 64a /free rslvsp(q : %addr(option)); prefix.key = p_key; text = p_text; enq(q : %addr(prefix) : %addr(text)); *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof - r104.rpgle */
MI program enq31.mi implements the same work as r104.rpgle
/* * @file enq31.mi * * enqueue USRQ Q31(keyed, key length = 8, entry lenght=64) * * usage example: CALL ENQ31 PARM('00000003' 'ABCDE...') */ dcl sysptr q auto init("Q34", ctx("LSBIN"), type(q, 02)) ; dcl dd message-prefix char(9) auto ; dcl dd prefix-msglen bin(4) def(message-prefix) pos(1); dcl dd prefix-key char(5) def(message-prefix) pos(5) ; dcl spcptr .key parm ; dcl spcptr .text parm ; dcl ol pl-main(.key, .text) parm ext ; dcl dd key char(8) bas(.key) ; dcl dd text char(64) bas(.text) ; dcl dd msg char(64) auto bdry(16) ; dcl spcptr msg-ptr auto init(msg) ; entry *(pl-main) ext; /* enq */ cpynv prefix-msglen, 64; cpybla prefix-key, key ; cpybla msg, text ; enq q, message-prefix, msg-ptr ; rtx *; pend; /* eof - enq31.mi */
DEQ's operands are:
Format of operand 1 message prefix:
Offset Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length 0 0 Timestamp of enqueue of message Char(8) ++ 8 8 Dequeue wait time-out value Char(8) + (ignored if branch options specified) 16 10 Size of message dequeued Bin(4) ++ (The maximum allowable size of a queue message is 64 K bytes.) 20 14 Access state modification option indicator Char(1) + and message selection criteria 20 14 Access state modification option when entering Dequeue wait Bit 0 + 0 = Access state is not modified 1 = Access state is modified 20 14 Access state modification option when leaving Dequeue wait Bit 1 + 0 = Access state is not modified 1 = Access state is modified 20 14 Multiprogramming level option Bit 2 + 0 = Leave current MPL set at Dequeue wait 1 = Remain in current MPL set at Dequeue wait 20 14 Time-out option Bit 3 + 0 = Wait for specified time, then signal time-out exception 1 = Wait indefinitely 20 14 Actual key to input key relationship Bits 4-7 + (for keyed queue) 0010 = Greater than 0100 = Less than 0110 = Not equal 1000 = Equal 1010 = Greater than or equal 1100 = Less than or equal 21 15 Search key (ignored for FIFO/LIFO queues but Char(key length) + must be present for FIFO/LIFO queues with nonzero key length values) * Message key Char(key length) ++
For details, please refer to Dequeue (DEQ)
If a message is not found that satisfies the dequeue selection criterion and the branch or indicator options are not specified, the thread waits until a message arrives to satisfy the dequeue or until the dequeue wait time-out expires. When specififying branch or indicator options, the thread is not placed in the dequeue wait state and either the control flow is altered according to the branch options, or indicator values are set based on the presence or absence of a message to be dequeued, e.g.
dcl sysptr q auto init("Q31", ctx("LSBIN"), type(q, 02)) ; dcl dd prefix char(37) auto ; dcl spcptr prefix-ptr auto init(prefix) ; dcl spc prefix-t bas(prefix-ptr) ; dcl dd time-enqueued char(8) dir ; /* output */ dcl dd timeout char(8) dir ; dcl dd text-len bin(4) dir ; /* output */ dcl dd access-state-option char(1) dir ; dcl dd search-key char(8) ; dcl dd returned-key char(8) ; /* output */ dcl dd text char(64) auto bdry(16) ; dcl spcptr text-ptr auto init(text) ; entry * ext ; brk "DEQB" ; /* binary: 11000010 */ /* dequeue messages whose keys are greater than search-key */ cpybla access-state-option, x"1202" ; cpybla search-key, "00000001" ; deq(b) prefix, text-ptr, q / neq(not-found), eq(found) ; found: /* when a queue message dequeued, control flow will be branched here */ not-found: /* when no queue message dequeued, control flow will be branched here */ brk "DEQI" ; dcl dd ind-found char(1) auto ; dcl dd ind-not-found char(1) auto ; deq(i) prefix, text-ptr, q / neq(ind-not-found), eq(ind-found) ; /* when a queue message is dequeued, ind-found = '1', ind-not-found = '0' */ /* when no queue message is dequeued, ind-found = '0', ind-not-found = '1' */ rtx * ; pend ;
dcl dd prefix char(37) auto ; dcl spcptr prefix-ptr auto init(prefix) ; dcl spc prefix-t bas(prefix-ptr) ; dcl dd time-enqueued char(8) dir ; /* output */ dcl dd timeout char(8) dir ; dcl dd text-len bin(4) dir ; /* output */ dcl dd access-state-option char(1) dir ; /* set 'Time-out option' */ setbts access-state-option, 3;
To specify a limited time-out value, one should set bit 3 of operand message prefix's Access state modification option indicator and message selection criteria parameter to 0, and specify a time-out value in message prefix's Dequeue wait time-out value parameter. The char(8) Dequeue wait time-out value is in the Standard Time Format. A zero Dequeue wait time-out value causes the default wait time-out of the current job is taken as the Dequeue wait time-out value. When the Dequeue wait time-out value expires, a Dequeue Time-Out exception (hex 3A01) is signaled. The following is an example of dequeue with limited time-out value.
dcl dd prefix char(37) auto ; dcl spcptr prefix-ptr auto init(prefix) ; dcl spc prefix-t bas(prefix-ptr) ; dcl dd time-enqueued char(8) dir ; /* output */ dcl dd timeout char(8) dir ; dcl dd text-len bin(4) dir ; /* output */ dcl dd access-state-option char(1) dir ; dcl dd seconds bin(4) auto init(7) ; /* 7 seconds */ mult(s) seconds, 125000 ; cpybtrls timeout, seconds, 17 ;/* copy seconds to timeout aligning from the left; shift 17 bits to the right */ /* clear 'Time-out option' */ clrbts access-state-option, 3;
Each time a spooled file on the output queue reaches RDY status an entry is sent to the DTAQ. A spooled file can have several changes in status (for example, ready (RDY) to held (HLD) to release (RLS) to ready (RDY) again) before it is taken off the output queue. These status changes result in entries in the DTAQ for a spooled file each time the spooled file goes to RDY status.
There're two methods to associate a DTAQ with one or more output queues.
Here we will make an experimennt to show the data content of the DTAQ entry which is sent to the DTAQ when a spooled file reaches RDY status. Additionally, a Joblog Saver program is introduced in Appendix 5 A Joblog Saver Program.
Create the Notification Receiver DTAQ
First we create a DTAQ to receive notifications from the output queue. Note that:
MAXLEN(144) /* to receive type '02' notifications */
TEXT('Notification Queue for Spooled Files')
Add Environment Variable QIBM_NOTIFY_CRTSPLF
LEVEL(*SYS) /* take system wide effects */
Check the Notification DTAQ Entry
Try to generate a spooled file in a interactive job such compiling a RPG program. Use CL command DSPQMSG to check the notification DTAQ entry in character format and hexadecimal format.
/* DSPQMSG */ DSPQMSG Q(LSBIN/SPLF) /* character format */ -------------------Character data------------------- Column *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5 000001 '*SPOOL 02REDLIGHT LJL 254395AAA ' 000051 ' QPRINT QGPL REDLIGHT LJL 254395 ' 000101 ' S65FAA4B 1090518164906 ' /* hexadecimal format */ ------------------Hexadecimal data------------------ Column * . . . + . . . . 1 . . . . + . . . . 2 . . . . + 000001 '5CE2D7D6D6D340404040F0F2D9C5C4D3C9C7C8E34040D3D1D3' 000026 '40404040404040F2F5F4F3F9F5C1C1C1404040404040400000' 000051 '0001D8D7D9C9D5E340404040D8C7D7D3404040404040D9C5C4' 000076 'D3C9C7C8E34040D3D1D340404040404040F2F5F4F3F9F54040' 000101 '4040404040404040000000000000000000000003E2F6F5C6C1' 000126 'C1F4C24040F1F0F9F0F5F1F8F1F6F4F9F0F600 '
Offset Dec | Offset Hex | Field Meaning | Data Type and Length | Value in out example |
0 | 0 | char(10) | Function name, always '*SPOOL' | '*SPOOL ' |
10 | A | char(2) | Notification type, '02' | '02' |
12 | C | char(26) | Job ID. char(10) job name, char(10) user name, char(6) job number | 'REDLIGHT LJL 254395' |
38 | 26 | char(10) | Spooled file name | 'AAA ' |
48 | 30 | binary(4) | Spooled file number | x'00000001' |
52 | 34 | char(20) | Output queue name | 'QPRINT QGPL ' |
72 | 48 | char(26) | Job ID | 'REDLIGHT LJL 254395' |
98 | 62 | char(10) | User data | ' ' |
108 | 6C | binary(4) | Reserved | x'00000000' |
112 | 70 | char(8) | Thread ID. ID of the thread that created the spooled file | x'0000000000000003' |
120 | 78 | char(10) | System name. System on which the spooled file is created | 'S65FAA4B ' |
130 | 82 | char(7) | Spooled file's creation date, in CYYMMDD format | '1090518' |
137 | 89 | char(6) | Spooled file's creation time, in HHMMSS format | '164906' |
143 | 8F | char(1) | Reserved | x'00' |
If a user application designed to receive notifications from the DTAQ needs to uniquely locate a spooled file by spooled file CL commands (e.g. CPYSPLF) or spooled file APIs (such as QSPOPNSP), commonly by the first three of the following six fields is enough:
In the following example, client programs sent request to the server program by a keyed DTAQ. The key value of the DTAQ message acts as a message's priority whose permitted values are from '00' to '99'. '00' means the highest priority, '99' means the lowest priority. The server program dequeues all messages whose key values are greater than or equal to '00', thus a message with highest priority (smallest key value) will be dequeued first.
Components in our example
CRTDTAQ DTAQ(Q27) MAXLEN(16) /* entry length = 16 */ SEQ(*KEYED) /* DTAQ type: keyed */ KEYLEN(2) /* key length = 2 */ TEXT('for priority-based IPC')
/* * @file r105.rpgle * * enqueue DTAQ Q27 * */ h dftactgrp(*no) d i_main pr extpgm('R105') d priority 2a d delay 2p 0 d msg 14a /* prototype of API QSNDDTAQ */ d qsnddtaq pr extpgm('QSNDDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 16a options(*varsize) d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 2a options(*nopass:*varsize) d qname s 10a inz('Q27') d qlib s 10a inz('LSBIN') d entry_len s 5p 0 inz(16) d key_len s 3p 0 inz(2) /* queue entry format, used both by the client and the server */ d q_format ds qualified d dly_time 2p 0 /* how long to */ d msg 14a /* greeting words */ d i_main pi d priority 2a d delay 2p 0 d msg 14a /free q_format.dly_time = delay; q_format.msg = msg; qsnddtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : q_format : key_len : priority ); *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof - r105.rpgle */
One should call R105 like the following
/* Call R105 - priority: '01' - delay: 15, hex 015F - msg: 'morning :p' */ CALL PGM(R105) PARM('01' X'015F' 'morning :p') /* Use DSPQMSG command to check what has been enqueued on DTAQ Q27 */ DSPQMSG Q(Q27) QTYPE(*DTAQ) /* Key data */ -------------------Character data------------------- Column *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5 000001 '01 ' /* hexadecimal format of queue entry's message text */ ------------------Hexadecimal data------------------ Column * . . . + . . . . 1 . . . . + . . . . 2 . . . . + 000001 '015F94969995899587407A9740404040 '
/* * @file r106.rpgle * * deq R106 * * queue message format * - delay, pkd(2,0), delay time * - msg, char(14), message from the client */ /* structure Qus_EC_t */ d qusec_t ds 256 qualified d bytes_in 10i 0 d bytes_out 10i 0 d exid 7a d reserved 1a d ex_data 240a /* prototype of API QRCVDTAQ */ d qrcvdtaq pr extpgm('QRCVDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 64a options(*varsize) d timeout 5p 0 d key_order 2a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 1 */ d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 8a options(*nopass:*varsize) /* input/output parameter */ d sender_info... d _len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d sender_info 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) d remove_msg 10a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 2 */ d receiver_len 5p 0 options(*nopass) d ec likeds(qusec_t) d options(*nopass) /* queue entry format, used both by the client and the server */ d q_format ds qualified d dly_time 2p 0 /* how long to */ d msg 14a /* greeting words */ d qname s 10a inz('Q27') d qlib s 10a inz('LSBIN') d entry_len s 5p 0 inz(16) d timeout s 5p 0 inz(-1) /* dequeue infinitely */ d key_order s 2a inz('GE') /* key order: >= parameter @key */ d key_len s 3p 0 inz(2) d key s 2a inz('00') d sender_info... d _len s 3p 0 inz(0) /* no sender info */ d sender_info s 1a d priority s 16a d qcmdexc pr extpgm('QCMDEXC') d cmd 64a options(*varsize) d cmdlen 15p 5 d dlyjob_cmd s 64a d len s 15p 5 d QUIT_CMDS c 'q Q qu QU quit QUITT' d KEY_ARG c '01' /free dow '1'; key = KEY_ARG; // deq DTAQ Q27 qrcvdtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : q_format : timeout : key_order : key_len : key : sender_info_len : sender_info ); // should i quit? if %scan( %trim(q_format.msg) : QUIT_CMDS ) > 0; priority = 'Priority: 100'; q_format.msg = 'see you :)'; dsply priority '' q_format.msg; leave; endif; // delay job dlyjob_cmd = 'DLYJOB ' + %char(q_format.dly_time); len = %len(%trim(dlyjob_cmd)); qcmdexc(dlyjob_cmd : len); // display message priority = 'Priority: ' + key; dsply priority '' q_format.msg; enddo; *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof - r106.rpgle */
Now run the server program and the client program
/* submit the server job */ SBMJOB CMD(CALL R106) /* then call the client program for 4 times */ CALL PGM(R105) PARM('99' X'015F' 'see you') CALL PGM(R105) PARM('03' X'001F' 'Third') CALL PGM(R105) PARM('02' X'001F' 'Second') CALL PGM(R105) PARM('01' X'001F' 'First') /* check and reply R106's messages in *MSGQ QSYSOPR */ First Reply . . : a Second Reply . . : a Third Reply . . : a
To solve the problems mentioned above in IPC models based on queue objects, we may simulate synchronous calls using queue objects. IPC models to simulate synchronous calls using queue objects are different in implementation details, but a common feature of them is that the two participants of the IPC progress use one queue object as the request queue, use another queue object as the reply queue. The requester program enqueue a request message to the request queue, then dequeue a reply message from the request processing program from the reply queue.
As an example, here we implement a simple queue-based IPC model to simulate syncrhonous calls and design a SQL client(ISQL) and a SQL server(ISQLSVR) program which communicate with this IPC model.
In the IPC model we discussed here:
Components involved in the ISQL example
Offset | Parameter Name | Data Type | Meaning |
0 | SQL statement | char(256) | SQL statement string |
256 | -- end -- |
Offset | Parameter Name | Data Type | Meaning |
0 | SQL code | bin(4) | SQL code |
4 | -- end -- |
CL command to create the DTAQs
/* @FILE ISQL.CMD */ CMD PROMPT('Run SQL statement') PARM KWD(SQL) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(256) MIN(1) + INLPMTLEN(50) PROMPT('SQL statement') /* EOF */
Compile CL command ISQL
/* * @file isqlcpp.rpgle * * commmand processing program for CL command ISQL */ h dftactgrp(*no) d i_main pr extpgm('ISQLCPP') d sql 256a d sqlcod 10i 0 options(*nopass) /* structure Qus_EC_t */ d qusec_t ds 256 qualified d bytes_in 10i 0 d bytes_out 10i 0 d exid 7a d reserved 1a d ex_data 240a /* input checking procedure */ d input_check pr n /* * do_request * - send SQL request to server program ISQLSVR * - receive the SQLCOD returned by ISQLSVR * - report result message to the user * * @pre sql * @return sqlcod */ d do_request pr 10i 0 /* send message to interactive user */ d sendmsg pr d msg 256a d i_main pi d sql 256a d sqlcod 10i 0 options(*nopass) d msg s 256a d rtn s 10i 0 /free if input_check(); rtn = do_request(); endif; sendmsg(msg); // return SQLCOD to the caller when parameter sqlcod is specified if %parms() > 1; sqlcod = rtn; endif; *inlr = *on; /end-free /* eof - i_main() */ /* procedure input_check() */ p input_check b d input_check pi n /free if sql = *blanks; msg = 'Empty SQL statement'; return *off; endif; return *on; /end-free p input_check e /* procedure do_request() */ p do_request b d q_entry ds qualified d sql 256a d sqlcod 10i 0 d ch_sqlcod 4a overlay(sqlcod) d uuid_template ds qualified d bytes_in 10u 0 inz(32) d bytes_out 10u 0 d reserved 8a inz(x'0000000000000000') d uuid 16a d genuuid pr extproc('_GENUUID') d template * value /* prototype of API QSNDDTAQ */ d qsnddtaq pr extpgm('QSNDDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 1a options(*varsize) d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) /* prototype of API QRCVDTAQ */ d qrcvdtaq pr extpgm('QRCVDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 1a options(*varsize) d timeout 5p 0 d key_order 2a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 1 */ d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) /* input/output parameter */ d sender_info... d _len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d sender_info 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) d remove_msg 10a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 2 */ d receiver_len 5p 0 options(*nopass) d ec likeds(qusec_t) d options(*nopass) d qname s 10a d qlib s 10a inz('*LIBL') d entry_len s 5p 0 d timeout s 5p 0 inz(-1) /* dequeue infinitely */ d key_order s 2a inz('EQ') /* key order: >= parameter @key */ d key_len s 3p 0 inz(16) d key s 16a d sender_info... d _len s 3p 0 inz(0) /* no sender info */ d sender_info s 1a d ec ds likeds(qusec_t) d do_request pi 10i 0 /free // generate UUID genuuid(%addr(uuid_template)); // enqueue DTAQ ISQL entry_len = 256; qname = 'ISQL'; q_entry.sql = sql; qsnddtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : q_entry.sql : key_len : uuid_template.uuid ); // dequeue DTAQ ISQL clear ec; ec.bytes_in = 256; qname = 'ISQLR'; entry_len = 4; qrcvdtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : q_entry.ch_sqlcod : timeout : key_order : key_len : uuid_template.uuid : sender_info_len : sender_info ); if ec.bytes_out <> 0; msg = 'QRCVDTAQ() failed with exception ID: ' + ec.exid; return -9999; endif; // set msg according to returned SQLCOD if q_entry.sqlcod < 0; msg = 'SQL statement failed with SQLCOD ' + %char(q_entry.sqlcod); elseif q_entry.sqlcod > 0; msg = 'SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD ' + %char(q_entry.sqlcod); else; msg = 'SQL statement succeeded'; endif; return q_entry.sqlcod; /end-free p do_request e /* procedure sendmsg() */ p sendmsg b /* prototype of QMHSNDPM */ d qmhsndpm pr extpgm('QMHSNDPM') d msgid 7a d msgf 20a d msgdata 512a options(*varsize) d msgdata_len 10i 0 d msgtype 10a d callstack_... d entry 10a d callstack_... d counter 10i 0 d msgkey 4a d ec likeds(qusec_t) d sendmsg pi d msg 256a d msgid s 7a inz('CPF9898') d msgf s 20a inz('QCPFMSG QSYS') d msgdata_len s 10i 0 d msgtype s 10a inz('*INFO') d callstack_... d entry s 10a inz('*PGMBDY') d callstack_... d counter s 10i 0 inz(1) d msgkey s 4a d ec ds likeds(qusec_t) d cmd s 512a d len s 15p 5 /free ec.bytes_in = 256; msgdata_len = %len(%trim(msg)); qmhsndpm( msgid : msgf : msg : msgdata_len : msgtype : callstack_entry : callstack_counter : msgkey : ec ); /end-free p sendmsg e /* eof - isqlcpp.rpgle */
/* * @file isqlsvr.sqlrpgle * * - dequeue SQL request from DTAQ ISQL * - process SQL statement * - reply client with SQLCOD */ /* to use activation group scope commitment control */ h dftactgrp(*no) actgrp('ISQLSVR') /* * procedure server_client * * - dequeue SQL request from DTAQ ISQL * - process SQL statement * - reply client with SQLCOD * * @return boolean, *off if the main procedure should quit. */ d serve_client pr n /* * procedure run_sql() * * @return SQLCOD */ d run_sql pr 10i 0 d sql 256a options(*varsize) /free dow serve_client(); enddo; *inlr = *on; /end-free p serve_client b /* structure Qus_EC_t */ d qusec_t ds 256 qualified d bytes_in 10i 0 d bytes_out 10i 0 d exid 7a d reserved 1a d ex_data 240a /* prototype of API QSNDDTAQ */ d qsnddtaq pr extpgm('QSNDDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 1a options(*varsize) d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) /* prototype of API QRCVDTAQ */ d qrcvdtaq pr extpgm('QRCVDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d entry_len 5p 0 d entry 1a options(*varsize) d timeout 5p 0 d key_order 2a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 1 */ d key_len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d key 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) /* input/output parameter */ d sender_info... d _len 3p 0 options(*nopass) d sender_info 1a options(*nopass:*varsize) d remove_msg 10a options(*nopass) /* optional parameter group 2 */ d receiver_len 5p 0 options(*nopass) d ec likeds(qusec_t) d options(*nopass) d qname s 10a d qlib s 10a inz('*LIBL') d entry_len s 5p 0 d timeout s 5p 0 inz(-1) /* dequeue infinitely */ d key_order s 2a inz('GE') /* key order: >= parameter @key */ d key_len s 3p 0 inz(16) d key s 16a d sender_info... d _len s 3p 0 inz(0) /* no sender info */ d sender_info s 1a d ec ds likeds(qusec_t) d q_entry ds qualified d sql 256a d sqlcod 10i 0 d ch_sqlcod 4a overlay(sqlcod) d uuid s 16a d msg s 26a d rtn s 1a d QUIT_CMDS c 'q Q qu QU quit QUITT' d KEY_ARG c x'00000000000000000000000000000000' d serve_client pi n /free rtn = *on; // dequeue client request from DTAQ ISQL clear ec; ec.bytes_in = 256; qname = 'ISQL'; entry_len = 256; uuid = KEY_ARG; qrcvdtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : q_entry.sql : timeout : key_order : key_len : uuid : sender_info_len : sender_info ); if ec.bytes_out <> 0; // error handling msg = 'QRCVDTAQ failed: ' + ec.exid; dsply 'Error' '' msg; return *off; endif; // should i quit? if %scan(%trim(q_entry.sql) : QUIT_CMDS) > 0; rtn = *off; else; // run sql statement q_entry.sqlcod = run_sql(q_entry.sql); endif; // enqueue reply to DTAQ ISQLR entry_len = 4; qname = 'ISQLR'; qsnddtaq( qname : qlib : entry_len : q_entry.ch_sqlcod : key_len : uuid ); return rtn; /end-free p serve_client e p run_sql b d run_sql pi 10i 0 d sql 256a options(*varsize) c/exec sql prepare stmt from :sql c/end-exec c if sqlcod < 0 c return sqlcod c endif c/exec sql execute stmt c/end-exec c return sqlcod p run_sql e /* eof - isqlsvr.sqlrpgle
Start journaling physical file PF16
Clear physical file PF16
Use DELETE statement on PF16
ISQL SQL('delete from pf16') /* Result: SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD 100. */
Use INSERT statement of PF16
ISQL SQL('insert into pf16 values(''Field 1'', ''Field 2'', ''Field 3'')') /* Result: SQL statement succeeded. */
Use DSPJOB command to heck commitment control information of the server job
/* Replace the job ID with your server job's job ID. */
Currently the server job has an activiation group level commitment control.
Commitment Opt Definition Text ISQLSVR Activation-group-level
Job: LJL_DAILY User: LJL Number: 257356 Commitment definition . . . . . . . . : ISQLSVR -------------Changes-------------- File Library Member Commit Rollback Pending PF16 LSBIN PF16 0 0 0 PF16 0 0 1
Commit changes to PF16
ISQL SQL('commit') /* Result: SQL statement succeeded. */
Source code of CL command RUNSQL, runsql.cmd
Compile CL command RUNSQL
ALLOW(*BPGM *IPGM *BREXX *IREXX) /* Do NOT invoke me interactively. */
OPM CL program CL103 invoke CL command RUNSQL like the following.
/* @FILE CL103.CLP */ PGM DCL VAR(&SQLCOD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) RUN_SQL: RUNSQL SQL('delete from pf16') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* + clear PF16 */ RUNSQL SQL('insert into PF16 values(''A'', ''B'', + ''C'')') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* insert new + records */ IF COND(%BIN(&SQLCOD) *LT 0) THEN(DO) SNDPGMMSG MSG('SQL operations failed.') + TOMSGQ(*TOPGMQ) MSGTYPE(*INFO) RUNSQL SQL('rollback') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* rollbak + when insert operation failed */ GOTO CMDLBL(END) ENDDO RUNSQL SQL('commit') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* commit */ END: ENDPGM /* EOF - CL103.CLP */
In section 2. An Introduction to Queue Objects on i5/OS we have metioned an attribute of i5/OS queue objects: whether message data taken off the queue can contain pointers. Pointers we talked here are MI pointers, such as space pointers, data pointers, system pointers, etc. A space pointer is used to describe addressibility of data items. As an MI pointer, a space pointer contains common pointer attributes such as pointer type and tag bits and specific attributes such as the offset portion. One can roughly equate a space pointer with an i5/OS HLL data pointer. To pass variable length data through a queue object, we need to:
Structures that contains pointers must align to 16 bytes boundary.
IBM does not provide any interface to create data queue object that can contain pointers. Thus when we need to pass pointers through a queue object, we can only choose a user queue object.
One can pass other type of pointers through a queue object. For example by passing a system pointer to a program object through a queue object, we can let a request processing program run business logics without caring about what program it's running.
Components of ISQL2
Offset | Parameter Name | Data Type | Meaning |
0 | Pointer to SQL statement | SPCPTR | Pointer to SQL statement data |
16 | -- end -- |
The reply USRQ ISQLR2
Offset | Parameter Name | Data Type | Meaning |
0 | SQL code | bin(4) | SQL code |
4 | -- end -- |
CL command to create the USRQs
/* The request USRQ ISQL2 */ CALL PGM(QUSCRTUQ) PARM( 'ISQL2 LSBIN' /* USRQ name */ 'QQ' /* extended attribute */ 'K' /* queue type */ X'00000010' /* key length */ X'00000010' /* entry length */ X'00000010' /* initial number of messages */ X'00000010' /* number of messages per extension */ '*EXCLUDE' /* public authority */ 'ISQL request queue. key length = 16, entry length = 16' /* text description */ '*YES' /* replace */ X'0000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' /* error code structure */ '*USER' /* object domain */ '*YES') /* contains poniter */ /* The reply USRQ ISQLR2 */ CALL PGM(QUSCRTUQ) PARM( 'ISQLR2 LSBIN' /* USRQ name */ 'QQ' /* extended attribute */ 'K' /* queue type */ X'00000010' /* key length */ X'00000004' /* entry length */ X'00000010' /* initial number of messages */ X'00000010' /* number of messages per extension */ '*EXCLUDE' /* public authority */ 'ISQL reply queue. key length = 16, entry length = 4') /* text description */
/* @FILE ISQL.CMD */ CMD PROMPT('Run SQL statement') PARM KWD(SQL) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(256) MIN(1) + INLPMTLEN(50) PROMPT('SQL statement') /* EOF */
Compile CL command ISQL2
/* * @file isqlcpp2.rpgle * */ h dftactgrp(*no) d sql_param_t ds qualified d sql_len 10i 0 d sql 32767a d i_main pr extpgm('ISQLCPP2') d sql_parm likeds(sql_param_t) d sqlcod 10i 0 options(*nopass) /* structure Qus_EC_t */ d qusec_t ds 256 qualified d bytes_in 10i 0 d bytes_out 10i 0 d exid 7a d reserved 1a d ex_data 240a /* * do_request * - send SQL request to server program ISQLSVR2 * - receive the SQLCOD returned by ISQLSVR2 * - report result message to the user * * @pre sql * @return sqlcod */ d do_request pr 10i 0 /* send message to interactive user */ d sendmsg pr d msg 256a /* * prototype of procedure resolve_qs * @return boolean, *on if both the request USRQ and the reply * USRQ are resolved. */ d resolve_qs pr n /* request USRQ ISQL2 */ d request_q s * /* reply USRQ ISQLR2 */ d reply_q s * d msg s 256a d rtn s 10i 0 d i_main pi d sql_parm likeds(sql_param_t) d sqlcod 10i 0 options(*nopass) /free // resolve request q, reply q if resolve_qs(); rtn = do_request(); endif; sendmsg(msg); // return SQLCOD to the caller when parameter sqlcod is specified if %parms() > 1; sqlcod = rtn; endif; *inlr = *on; /end-free /* procedure resolve_qs() */ p resolve_qs b /* prototype of MI instruction RSLVSP */ d rslvsp pr extproc('_RSLVSP2') d syp * d option * value d resolve_option ds 34 qualified d type 2a inz(x'0A02') d name 30a d auth 2a inz(x'0000') d rtn s n d resolve_qs pi n /free rtn = *on; // resolve request q, reply q monitor; // monitor MCH3401 resolve_option.name = 'ISQL2'; rslvsp(request_q : %addr(resolve_option)); resolve_option.name = 'ISQLR2'; rslvsp(reply_q : %addr(resolve_option)); on-error; msg = 'Failed to resolve request user queue' + ' or reply user queue'; rtn = *off; endmon; return rtn; /end-free p resolve_qs e /* procedure do_request() */ p do_request b d uuid_template ds qualified d bytes_in 10u 0 inz(32) d bytes_out 10u 0 d reserved 8a inz(x'0000000000000000') d uuid 16a d genuuid pr extproc('_GENUUID') d template * value /* prototype of MI instruction ENQ */ d enq pr extproc('_ENQ') d q * d prefix * value d text * value /* prototype of MI instruction DEQ */ d deq pr extproc('_DEQWAIT') d prefix * value d text * value d q * /* enq prefix */ d enq_prefix ds 20 qualified d text_len 10i 0 d key 16a /* deq prefix */ d deq_prefix ds 53 qualified d enqueue_time 8a d timeout 8a d text_len 10i 0 d acc_sts_mod 1a inz(x'D8') /* deq infinitely */ d key_in 16a d key_out 16a /* request data */ d request ds qualified d sql_len 10u 0 d reserved 8a /* align to 16 bytes boundary */ d sql_ptr * d request_ptr s * inz(%addr(request)) /* reply message from ISQLSVR2 */ d reply ds 16 qualified d sqlcod 10i 0 d do_request pi 10i 0 /free // generate UUID genuuid(%addr(uuid_template)); // enqueue SQL statement to USRQ ISQL2 enq_prefix.text_len = 16; enq_prefix.key = uuid_template.uuid; request.sql_len = sql_parm.sql_len; request.sql_ptr = %addr(sql_parm.sql); enq(request_q : %addr(enq_prefix) : %addr(request_ptr)); // dequeue SQLCOD from USRQ ISQLR2 deq_prefix.key_in = uuid_template.uuid; deq(%addr(deq_prefix) : %addr(reply) : reply_q); // set msg according to returned SQLCOD if reply.sqlcod < 0; msg = 'SQL statement failed with SQLCOD ' + %char(reply.sqlcod); elseif reply.sqlcod > 0; msg = 'SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD ' + %char(reply.sqlcod); else; msg = 'SQL statement succeeded'; endif; return reply.sqlcod; /end-free p do_request e /* procedure sendmsg() */ p sendmsg b /* prototype of QMHSNDPM */ d qmhsndpm pr extpgm('QMHSNDPM') d msgid 7a d msgf 20a d msgdata 512a options(*varsize) d msgdata_len 10i 0 d msgtype 10a d callstack_... d entry 10a d callstack_... d counter 10i 0 d msgkey 4a d ec likeds(qusec_t) d msgid s 7a inz('CPF9898') d msgf s 20a inz('QCPFMSG QSYS') d msgdata_len s 10i 0 d msgtype s 10a inz('*INFO') d callstack_... d entry s 10a inz('*PGMBDY') d callstack_... d counter s 10i 0 inz(1) d msgkey s 4a d ec ds likeds(qusec_t) d cmd s 512a d len s 15p 5 d sendmsg pi d msg 256a /free clear ec; ec.bytes_in = 256; msgdata_len = %len(%trim(msg)); qmhsndpm( msgid : msgf : msg : msgdata_len : msgtype : callstack_entry : callstack_counter : msgkey : ec ); /end-free p sendmsg e /* eof - isqlcpp2.rpgle */
/* * @file isqlsvr.sqlrpgle * * - dequeue SQL request from USRQ ISQL2 * - process SQL statement * - reply client with SQLCOD */ /* to use activation group scope commitment control */ h dftactgrp(*no) actgrp('ISQLSVR2') /* * prototype of procedure resolve_qs * @return boolean, *on if both the request USRQ and the reply * USRQ are resolved. */ d resolve_qs pr n /* * procedure server_client * * - dequeue SQL request from USRQ ISQL2 * - process SQL statement * - reply client with SQLCOD * * @return boolean, *off if the main procedure should quit. */ d serve_client pr n /* * procedure run_sql() * * @return SQLCOD */ d run_sql pr 10i 0 d the_sql 5000a options(*varsize) /* request USRQ ISQL2 */ d request_q s * /* reply USRQ ISQLR2 */ d reply_q s * d msg s 26a /free // resolve request q and reply q if not resolve_qs(); msg = 'Failed to resolve user queues'; dsply '' '' msg; *inlr = *on; return; endif; // serves client dow serve_client(); enddo; *inlr = *on; /end-free /* procedure resolve_qs() */ p resolve_qs b /* prototype of MI instruction RSLVSP */ d rslvsp pr extproc('_RSLVSP2') d syp * d option * value d resolve_option ds 34 qualified d type 2a inz(x'0A02') d name 30a d auth 2a inz(x'0000') d rtn s n d resolve_qs pi n /free rtn = *on; // resolve request q, reply q monitor; resolve_option.name = 'ISQL2'; rslvsp(request_q : %addr(resolve_option)); resolve_option.name = 'ISQLR2'; rslvsp(reply_q : %addr(resolve_option)); on-error; msg = 'Failed to resolve request user queue' + ' or reply user queue'; rtn = *off; endmon; return rtn; /end-free p resolve_qs e p serve_client b /* prototype of MI instruction ENQ */ d enq pr extproc('_ENQ') d q * d prefix * value d text * value /* prototype of MI instruction DEQ */ d deq pr extproc('_DEQWAIT') d prefix * value d text * value d q * /* enq prefix */ d enq_prefix ds 20 qualified d text_len 10i 0 d key 16a /* deq prefix */ d deq_prefix ds 53 qualified d enqueue_time 8a d timeout 8a d text_len 10i 0 d acc_sts_mod 1a inz(x'DA') /* deq infinitely, key relation:'GE' */ d key_in 16a d key_out 16a /* request data */ d request ds qualified d based(request_ptr) d sql_len 10u 0 d reserved 8a /* align to 16 bytes boundary */ d sql_ptr * d request_ptr s * d sql_str ds based(request.sql_ptr) d qualified d string 32767a /* reply message to ISQLCPP2 */ d reply ds 16 qualified d sqlcod 10i 0 d quit_cmd s 4a d rtn s n d QUIT_CMDS c 'q Q qu QU quit QUITT' d MIN_KEY_VALUE c x'00000000000000000000000000000000' /* 16 bytes */ d sql s 32767a d serve_client pi n /free rtn = *on; // dequeue client's request from USRQ ISQL2 deq_prefix.text_len = 16; deq_prefix.key_in = MIN_KEY_VALUE; deq(%addr(deq_prefix) : %addr(request_ptr) : request_q); // run sql statement sql = %subst(sql_str.string : 1 : request.sql_len); quit_cmd = %subst(sql : 1 : 4); if %scan(%trim(quit_cmd) : QUIT_CMDS) > 0; rtn = *off; else; reply.sqlcod = run_sql(sql); endif; // enqueue reply message to USRQ ISQLR2 enq_prefix.text_len = 4; enq_prefix.key = deq_prefix.key_out; enq(reply_q : %addr(enq_prefix) : %addr(reply)); return rtn; /end-free p serve_client e p run_sql b d run_sql pi 10i 0 d the_sql 5000a options(*varsize) c/exec sql prepare stmt from :the_sql c/end-exec c if sqlcod < 0 c return sqlcod c endif c/exec sql execute stmt c/end-exec c return sqlcod p run_sql e /* eof - isqlsrv2.sqlrpgle */
Compile isqlsvr2.sqlrpgle
Compile CL command RUNSQL2
CRTCMD CMD(LSBIN/RUNSQL2) PGM(*LIBL/ISQLCPP2) SRCFILE(LS2008/DEC) ALLOW(*BPGM *IPGM *BREXX *IREXX) /* allow RUNSQL2 to be invoked from interactive or batch CL programs or REXX scripts */
/* @FILE CL104.CLP */ PGM DCL VAR(&SQLCOD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) RUN_SQL: RUNSQL2 SQL('delete from pf16') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* + clear PF16 */ RUNSQL2 SQL('insert into PF16 values(''A'', ''B'', + ''C'')') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* insert new + records */ IF COND(%BIN(&SQLCOD) *LT 0) THEN(DO) SNDPGMMSG MSG('SQL operations failed.') + TOMSGQ(*TOPGMQ) MSGTYPE(*INFO) RUNSQL2 SQL('rollback') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* rollbak + when insert operation failed */ GOTO CMDLBL(END) ENDDO RUNSQL2 SQL('commit') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) /* commit */ END: ENDPGM /* EOF - CL104.CLP */
Compile CL104
LOG(*YES) /* enable logging of CL commands being called */
Use CL command ISQL2 and CL program CL104 to operate physical file PF16.
/* Submit the server job */ SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(ISQLSVR2)) /* Clear PF16 */ ISQL2 SQL('delete from pf16') ISQL2 SQL('commit') /* Run CL104 */ CALL CL104 400 - RUNSQL2 SQL('delete from pf16') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD 100. 600 - RUNSQL2 SQL('insert into PF16 values(''A'', ''B'', ''C'')') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) SQL statement succeeded. 1700 - RUNSQL2 SQL('commit') SQLCOD(&SQLCOD) SQL statement succeeded. - RETURN /* RETURN due to end of CL program */ /* Notify the server job to quit */ ISQL2 SQL('qu')
On i5/OS, a Java program can benifit from queue objects, the native IPC method on i5/OS from the following aspects:
Here, as an example we implement a Java version of ISQL2 which is introduced in 6.5. Pass Variable Length Data through i5/OS Queue Objects.
Components of the Java version ISQL2
public class isql { static { System.loadLibrary("ISQLSVR"); } public static final String _usage = "usage info: java isql \"SQL statement to run.\""; public static void main(String[] args) { isql client = new isql(); client.run(args); } protected void run(String[] args) { if(args.length < 1) { System.out.println(_usage); return; } String msg = ""; try { // send request to ISQLSVR int sqlcod = isqlsvr.sendRequest(args[0]); // compose msg if(sqlcod < 0) msg = "SQL statement failed with SQLCOD " + sqlcod; else msg = "SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD " + sqlcod; } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return; } // report execuation result System.out.println(msg); } } /* eof - isql.java */
public class isqlsvr { public static native synchronized int sendRequest( String sql ) throws Exception; } /* eof - isqlsvr.java */
Compile Java classes
/* Upload isql.java, isqlsvr.java to IFS */ /* Start a QShell session */ qsh /* Include current directory into environment variable CLASSPATH */ export CLASSPATH=. /* Compile java classes with javac */ javac -encoding utf-8 *java /* Generate C header for JNI methods */ javah isqlsvr
# include <isqlsvr.h> // libc # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> # include <except.h> // libmi # include <mih/rslvsp.h> # include <mih/enq.h> # include <mih/genuuid.h> // libiconv # include <iconv.h> // apis # include <qusec.h> # include <qusrjobi.h> typedef _Packed struct _deq_prefix { char time_enqueued[8]; char timeout[8]; int text_len_returned; char acc_state_mod[1]; char key_in[16]; char key_out[16]; } deq_prefix_t; // prototype of instruction DEQWAIT # pragma linkage(_DEQWAIT, builtin) void _DEQWAIT ( deq_prefix_t *, void*, _SYSPTR* ); # define REQUEST_Q "ISQL2" # define REPLY_Q "ISQLR2" # define UTF8_CCSID \ "IBMCCSID012080000000\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" # define ECLEN 256 # define TEXTLEN 16 # define KEYLEN 16 # define ENQ_PREFIX_LEN 20 # define DEQ_PREFIX_LEN 53 typedef _Packed struct _request { size_t sql_len; char reserved[8]; char *sql; } request_t; static request_t _r; typedef _Packed struct _reply { int sqlcod; char reserved[12]; } reply_t; void gen_uuid(char *uuid); int get_job_ccsid(); void utf8_2_ebcdic ( const char *source, size_t source_length, char *dest ); void enq_request( _SYSPTR q, const char *key, const char *sql ); int deq_reply(_SYSPTR q, const char* key); int resolve_queues( _SYSPTR *request_q, _SYSPTR *reply_q ); /* * implements isqlsvr.sendRequest() * * - resolve request q * - resolve reply q * - enq SQL */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_isqlsvr_sendRequest ( JNIEnv *env, jclass jthis, jstring jsql ) { int r = 0; int sqlcod = 0; jclass class_exception; const char *utf8_sql = NULL; char *sql = NULL; jboolean is_copy = JNI_FALSE; size_t len = 0; char uuid[16] = {0}; _SYSPTR request_q = NULL; _SYSPTR reply_q = NULL; /* resolve qs */ if(resolve_queues(&request_q, &reply_q) != 0) { // raise exception and return # pragma convert(819) class_exception = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/Exception"); # pragma convert(0) if(class_exception != 0) (*env)->ThrowNew(env, class_exception, "Failed to resolve user queues" ); return; } // convert sql to ebcdic utf8_sql = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jsql, &is_copy); len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, jsql); sql = malloc(len * 2 + 1); utf8_2_ebcdic(utf8_sql, len, sql); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jsql, utf8_sql); // enq request q gen_uuid(uuid); enq_request(request_q, uuid, sql); // deq reply q sqlcod = deq_reply(reply_q, uuid); free(sql); return sqlcod; } void gen_uuid(char *uuid) { _UUID_Template_T tmpl; memset(&tmpl, 0, 32); tmpl.bytesProv = 32; _GENUUID(&tmpl); memcpy(uuid, tmpl.uuid, 16); } int get_job_ccsid() { int ccsid = 0; Qwc_JOBI0400_t jobi; Qus_EC_t *ec = NULL; ec = (Qus_EC_t*)malloc(ECLEN); memset(ec, 0, ECLEN); ec->Bytes_Provided = ECLEN; jobi.Bytes_Avail = sizeof(Qwc_JOBI0400_t); QUSRJOBI( &jobi, sizeof(Qwc_JOBI0400_t), "JOBI0400", "* ", " ", ec ); if(ec->Bytes_Available != 0) ccsid = 37; // ascii ccsid else ccsid = jobi.Coded_Char_Set_ID; free(ec); return ccsid; } void utf8_2_ebcdic ( const char *source, size_t source_length, char *dest ) { size_t result_length = source_length * 2; char host_ccsid[32 + 1] = {0}; iconv_t cvt; sprintf(host_ccsid, "IBMCCSID%05d\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", get_job_ccsid()); cvt = iconv_open(host_ccsid, UTF8_CCSID); iconv(cvt, &source, &source_length, &dest, &result_length ); iconv_close(cvt); } void enq_request( _SYSPTR q, const char *key, char *sql ) { _ENQ_Msg_Prefix_T *prefix; request_t *request = &_r; char text[16] = {0}; prefix = (_ENQ_Msg_Prefix_T*)malloc(ENQ_PREFIX_LEN); memset(prefix, 0, ENQ_PREFIX_LEN); prefix->Msg_Len = TEXTLEN; memcpy(prefix->Msg, key, KEYLEN); request->sql_len = strlen(sql); request->sql = sql; memcpy(text, &request, 16); _ENQ(&q, prefix, text); free(prefix); } int deq_reply(_SYSPTR q, const char* key) { deq_prefix_t prefix; reply_t reply; prefix.acc_state_mod[0] = 0xF8; // 1111,1000; key realtion=EQ, deq infinitely memcpy(prefix.key_in, key, KEYLEN); _DEQWAIT(&prefix, &reply, &q); return reply.sqlcod; } int resolve_queues( _SYSPTR *request_q, _SYSPTR *reply_q ) { int resolved = -1; volatile int ca = 0; # pragma exception_handler(end, ca, _C1_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, \ _C2_ALL, _CTLA_HANDLE) *request_q = rslvsp(0x0A02, REQUEST_Q, "", 0x0000); *reply_q = rslvsp(0x0A02, REPLY_Q, "", 0x0000); resolved = 0; # pragma disable_handler end: return resolved; } /* eof - isqlsvr.c */
/* Clear physical file PF16 */ CLRPFM PF16 /* Submit the server job */ SBMJOB CMD(CALL ISQLSVR2) /* Chnage current directory to where isql.class and isqlsvr.class reside in */ CHGCURDIR '/home/ljl/tmp' /* Run java class isql */ JAVA CLASS(isql) PARM('delete from pf16') /* Result: SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD 100 Java program completed */ /* Execute an insert statement */ JAVA CLASS(isql) PARM('insert into pf16 values(''20081212'', ''冬天'',''Friday'')') /* Result: SQL statement succeeded with SQLCOD 0 Java program completed */ /* Check physical file PF16 */ RUNQRY *N PF16 /* Result: Line ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+. RQ NAME REMARK 000001 20081212 冬天 Friday ******** End of report ******** */
CALL PGM(QUSCRTUQ) PARM( 'Q11 LSBIN' /* queue name: LSBIN/Q11 */ 'USRQ' /* extended attribute */ 'F' /* queue type: keyed */ X'00000000' /* key length: 0 */ X'00000040' /* max entry length: 64 */ X'00010000' /* initial number of messages: 65536 */ X'00001000' /* extend number of messages: 4096 */ '*EXCLUDE' /* public authority */ 'FIFO USRQ: entry length = 64' /* text description */ )
MI program that enqueues USRQ Q11 for 1000 times, enq11.mi
dcl sysptr q auto ; dcl dd message-prefix char(4) auto; dcl dd prefix-msglen bin(4) def(message-prefix) pos(1); dcl dd message char(64) auto init("is usrq more faster?") ; dcl spcptr .message auto init(message) ; entry * ext; dcl dd index bin(4) auto init(0) ; cpybla rslv-option-obj-type, x"0A02"; cpyblap rslv-option-obj-name, "Q11", " "; rslvsp q, rslv-option-short, *, x'0000'; /* enq */ cpynv prefix-msglen, 64; cpynv index, 0 ; enq-loop: addn(s) index, 1 ; cmpnv(b) index, 1000 / hi(end-loop) ; enq q, message-prefix, .message; b enq-loop ; end-loop: rtx *; %include ptrres.mi ; pend; /* eof - enq11.mi */
ILE RPG program renq11.rpgle calls enq11.mi and compute time used on 1000 times of enqueue operation.
/* * @file renq11.rpgle * * call PGM ENQ11 for 1000 times */ d b s z d e s z d ind s 10i 0 d dur s 15p 0 c eval b = %timestamp() c call 'ENQ11' c eval e = %timestamp() c eval dur = %diff(e : b : *ms) c 'microseconds'dsply dur c seton lr /* eof - renq11.rpgle */
Run RENQ11 for 10 times
DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 DSPLY microseconds 4000 /* Result: The average time of 10 times of execution is 4000 micro-seconds(0.004s). */
Use CL command DSPQD provided by i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit to check USRQ Q11.
Current maximum number of messages . . . . . . . . . : 65536 Current number of messages enqueued . . . . . . . . . : 10000 Extension value . . . . . . : 4096 Key length . . . . . . . . . : 0 Maximum size of message to be enqueued . . . . . . . . . : 64 Maximum number of extends . : 35 Current number of extends . : 0 Initial number of messages . : 65536
CRTDTAQ DTAQ(LSBIN/Q12) /* queue name */ MAXLEN(64) /* entry length: 64 */ SEQ(*FIFO) /* queue type: keyed */ SIZE(*MAX16MB 65536) /* initial number of messages: 65536 */ TEXT('FIFO DTAQ: entry length=64')
ILE RPG program renq12.rpgle enqueues DTAQ Q12 for 1000 times and compute time used on 1000 times of enqueue operation.
/* * @file renq12.rpgle * * enqueue DTAQ Q12 for 1000 times */ d b s z d e s z d ind s 10i 0 d dur s 15p 0 c eval b = %timestamp() c for ind = 1 to 1000 by 1 c call 'QSNDDTAQ' c parm 'Q12' qname 10 c parm 'LSBIN' qlib 10 c parm 64 entlen 5 0 c parm *all'1' ent 64 c endfor c eval e = %timestamp() c eval dur = %diff(e : b : *ms) c 'microseconds'dsply dur c seton lr /* eof */
Run RENQ12 for 10 times
DSPLY microseconds 17000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 14000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 DSPLY microseconds 15000 /* Result: The average time of 10 times of execution is 15100 micro-seconds(0.0151s) */
Start journaling DTAQ Q12
Run RENQ12 metioned in Appendix 2. Enqueue DTAQ Q12(not journaled) for 1000 times for 10 times
DSPLY microseconds 4066000 DSPLY microseconds 4019000 DSPLY microseconds 4145000 DSPLY microseconds 4018000 DSPLY microseconds 4007000 DSPLY microseconds 4206000 DSPLY microseconds 4031000 DSPLY microseconds 4042000 DSPLY microseconds 4023000 DSPLY microseconds 4042000 /* Result: The average time of 10 times of execution is 4059900 micro-seconds(4.0599s) */
Create DTAQ JOBLOGNTF to associated with output queue QEZJOBLOG
MAXLEN(128) /* receive notification of type '01' */
TEXT('i watch joblogs')
Create physical file JOBLOG
Assosiate DTAQ JOBLOGNTF with output queue QEZJOBLOG
Write the Joblog Saver Program
Source code of ILE RPG program savjoblog.rpgle
/* * @file savjoblog.rpgle * * @remark 需要退出时,向DTAQ JOBLOGNTF入列个QUIT * e.g. CALL PGM(QSNDDTAQ) PARM('JOBLOGNTF' * 'LSBIN' X'00010F' 'QUIT') * */ h dftactgrp(*no) /* * dequeue a notification message from DTAQ JOBLOGNTF * * @return *on if okey, *off if notified to quit. */ d deq_notify pr n /* * copy joblog to PF JOBLOG; * delete spooled file. */ d wrk_with_splf pr /* Notification information */ d notify ds 128 qualified d func_code 10a d rec_type 2a d job_id 26a d splf_name 10a d splf_num 10i 0 /free dow deq_notify(); wrk_with_splf(); enddo; *inlr = *on; /end-free /* deq_notify() */ p deq_notify b /* prototype of API QRCVDTAQ */ d qrcvdtaq pr extpgm('QRCVDTAQ') d qname 10a d qlib 10a d qentrylen 5p 0 d qentry 128a d timeout 5p 0 d qname s 10a inz('JOBLOGNTF') d qlib s 10a inz('LSBIN') d qentrylen s 5p 0 inz(128) d timeout s 5p 0 inz(-1) d quit c 'QUIT' d deq_notify pi n /free qrcvdtaq( qname : qlib : qentrylen : notify : timeout ); if %subst(notify.func_code : 1 : 4) = quit; return *off; endif; return *on; /end-free p deq_notify e p wrk_with_splf b /* prototype of API QCMDEXC */ d qcmdexc pr extpgm('QCMDEXC') d cmdstr 128 options(*varsize) d cmdlen 15p 5 d cmd s 128a d len s 15p 5 d jid s 28a /free jid = %subst(notify.job_id:21:6) + '/' + %trim(%subst(notify.job_id:11:10)) + '/' + %trim(%subst(notify.job_id: 1:10)); monitor; // copy spooled file to PF JOBLOG cmd = 'CPYSPLF FILE(' + %trim(notify.splf_name) + ') TOFILE(LSBIN/JOBLOG) JOB(' + %trim(jid) + ') SPLNBR(' + %char(notify.splf_num) + ') MBROPT(*ADD)'; len = %len(%trim(cmd)); qcmdexc(cmd : len); // delete spooled file cmd = 'DLTSPLF FILE(' + %trim(notify.splf_name) + ') JOB(' + %trim(jid) + ') SPLNBR(' + %char(notify.splf_num) + ') '; len = %len(%trim(cmd)); qcmdexc(cmd : len); on-error; endmon; /end-free p wrk_with_splf e /* eof */
Test the Joblog Saver Program
Submit the Joblog Saver job
Make a spooled file on output queue QEZJOBLOG.
RUNQRY *N JOBLOG /* Contents of physical file JOBLOG */ 5722SS1 V5R2M0 020719 Job Log 810 09/05/19 14:24:35 Page 1 Job name . . . . . . . . . . : MAKEJOBLOG User . . . . . . : LJL Number . . . . . . . . . . . : 254693 Job description . . . . . . : LJL_DAILY Library . . . . . : QGPL MSGID TYPE SEV DATE TIME FROM PGM LIBRARY INST TO PGM LIBRARY INST CPF1124 Information 00 09/05/19 14:24:32.615208 QWTPIIPP QSYS 05D4 *EXT *N Message . . . . : Job 254693/LJL/MAKEJOBLOG started on 09/05/19 at 14:24:32 in subsystem QBATCH in QSYS. Job entered system on 09/05/19 at 14:24:32. CPI1125 Information 00 09/05/19 14:24:32.619792 QWTPCRJA QSYS 0108 *EXT *N Message . . . . : Job 254693/LJL/MAKEJOBLOG submitted. Cause . . . . . : Job 254693/LJL/MAKEJOBLOG submitted to job queue QBATCH in QGPL from job 254687/LJL/GREENTEA. Job 254693/LJL/MAKEJOBLOG was started using the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command with the following job attributes: JOBPTY(5) OUTPTY(5) PRTTXT() RTGDTA(QCMDB) SYSLIBL(QSYS QSYS2 QHLPSYS QUSRSYS) CURLIB(LSBIN) INLLIBL(QGPL QTEMP LSBIN LJLCP ATS XTXRUN MN I5TOOLKIT) LOG(4 00 *SECLVL) /* .... ... */
Notify the Joblog Saver job to quit.
In the open source project i5/OS Programmer's Toolkit i maintain, more than a half of the source code is written in MI. I have to appreciate Mr. Leif Svalgaard for his excellent articles about MI programming on midrange.com.
Other useful web sites for me include:
I'm available at junleili-cn@users.sourceforge.net. Any comments and suggestions are always welcome :)